Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 11

Day 11:
How you found out about blogger, and why you have one?

Well I found out from my ex boyfriends mom, she told me about hers.. I started it then, but didn't do very much. It wasn't till I found out that quite a few friends/people I grew up with and know from different places have one, and I enjoy reading about whats going on in their lives and their familys..
It ended up being a way for family to read about what was going on with Lance after the accident and the progress he was making. I'm not even sure if people read it or not, but it gives me something to do I guess.. Even tho I do have an extremely boring life! O well! =)

1 comment:

  1. She is ADORABLE Tac!!! You still need to come play with me and Rydgey :)!!!! Also.. I have loved your blogger challenge questions!!! Its fun!!
