Tuesday, February 15, 2011

LOVE this baby!

I have had so much fun with Carson and Rochelle's baby Cameron living so close! She's right down the road and I go down and play with her as often as I can. She has the funnest personality. She's getting so big and even tho some of these aren't the greatest pictures, since the little fart doesn't hold still for very long. She LOVES looking at pictures of herself, but doesn't take that much time for you to take the picture, so they are kinda blurry
Aunt Tac givin loves♥
She LOVES her grandma!
Patty Cake
What ya lookin at?
Its blurry, but its such a good one of them!
I was watching her one day, and she was so tired. She didn't want to do anything without her blanky. She LOVES this thing.. She'll put it up to her face and press her face into it and shake her head. She decided her lady bug was a good place to take a break
This is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Rochelle said she found her one morning like this
Baby blue eyes
She loves her Gramps
She can't quite reach the floor, so she puts her legs up and lets me push her around the room

Eatin puffs

No matter what kind of day I'm having I go over and see her and she brightens my day. I can't get enough of her!

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